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Interior Doors

Internal wooden doors to make every room in the house unique

Serradura Serramenti Arredamenti (Solagna - Vicenza) fornisce porte interne in legno in vari modelli e finiture

 General characteristics 


48 mm honeycomb panel, consisting of a load-bearing structure in solid wood, an internal honeycomb core and a 4 mm MDF coating on both sides.


In the case of a wood-coloured or lacquer finish with visible wood grain, a wood veneer is added.


Either visible anuba hinges or adjustable concealed hinges can be installed.


Painting can be wood-coloured or RAL lacquered or according to sample.




porte interne filo muro tutta altezza con finiture a campione
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tradizionali porte interne in legno modello classico a battente con cornici a vista, disponibile liscia o pantografata, tinta legno o laccata nei diversi colori

Interior swing door with visible frames

Traditional hinged interior door, complete with visible frames on both sides. The door panel can be smooth or pantographed in different geometries. The frame is made of solid wood.

The pantographed models and those in wood colours are suitable for classic and rustic environments; smooth models, lacquered and open-pore finishes are more suitable for modern and designer houses.

moderne porte interne in legno, apertura a battente, filo muro, disponibile in fitura legno o laccata nelle varie colorazioni

Interior door flush with the wall

Interior door with hinged opening, without jambs and frames, for a flush effect with the walls. It can also be made full-height or in the same finish as the walls for total integration with the surrounding environment. The frame is made of aluminium.

In the lacquered finishes, in the multiple RAL colours or by sample, it is particularly suitable to respond to an essential and modern aesthetic taste.

porte interne in legno, con apertura scorrevole a scomparsa all'interno delle pareti, disponibile tinta legno o laccata nelle diverse colorazioni

Sliding interior door

Interior door with sliding opening inside the wall, with a concealed effect. It is appreciated for both its aesthetic and functional characteristics, especially for its space-saving and compact design. It can be equipped with jambs and frames, or without for a coplanar effect to the walls. The door is installed on an internal wall frame in aluminium.

Depending on the type and finish, it adapts to classic or modern environments.

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Lift & Slide

 What people say about us 


Doors and windows - Furnishings


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  • Wood windows

  • Wood-Aluminium windows 

  • Lift and slide French doors

  • Front doors

  • Interior doors

  • Shutters



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Where we are

Via Fontanazzi 1 / B

36020 Solagna (Vicenza)

























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